Breakthru Meetings in Focus: A Closer Look at the Largest Meetings Program in Wealth Management

In June, we made the announcement that networking at the Future Proof Festival just got better with the expansion of the industry-leading event networking program, Breakthru. In the post, we broke down how the platform has grown from one networking program to three by adding Breakthru Talks Program and Breakthru Experiences Program to the already-launched Breakthru Meetings Program. It’s a great overview of how the Future Proof Festival will connect more than 4,000 wealth management professionals in the most efficient and effective way possible. Give it a read here.

Today, we are going to take a closer look at the Breakthru Meetings Program, covering what it is, who’s participating, how it works, different ways that people use it, and how to get involved. Let’s dive in.

Before I tell you what the Breakthru Meetings Program is, I think it might be best if I show you. Check out the sizzle video below on the program which will give you a good idea of what to expect.

What Is the Breakthru Meetings Program?

You know how when you attend an event you end up getting spammed with 387 tone-deaf emails? Or how you might head into the event with the expectation of meeting the right people through flimsy means? You might begin your networking journey by scouring the mobile app a couple of days in advance, searching for companies and people that may or may not help your business, and then… hope that their LinkedIn profile photo matches what they look like in real life so that you can stop and introduce yourself.

Thankfully, those days are over.

Instead, you’ll be able to walk into the Future Proof Festival with up to 24 pre-scheduled 15-minute meetings booked on your calendar with mutually interested people. After the meetings take place, you provide your feedback on the meeting and share your contact information if you’d like. It’s how networking at events should go!

Who Participates in the Breakthru Meetings Program?

Everyone who registers before the pre-event deadline of August 16 is eligible to participate in the Breakthru Meetings Program. One of the many reasons that the Future Proof Festival is so special is that it brings together the entire wealth management ecosystem – across company types and functions, job levels, firm size, and more. By welcoming the entire community, Future Proof Festival has quickly become the largest attended event in wealth management. So how do we sift through the data and make it easy for you to find who you want to meet? Check out the graphic below (click to enlarge).

What you see in the graphic above is the entire ecosystem brought together by the Breakthru Meetings Program. Use the legend in the bottom right to follow how the program identifies matches between people and companies, leading to the center where 30,000+ meetings will take place.

Every person who registers for the Future Proof Festival is verified through reviews of company websites, disclosures, compliance documentation, and social media. Later, registrants complete a detailed profile with 160 data points, which our team verifies for accuracy. Participants can then view each other’s profiles and indicate interest in meetings.

In 2023, about 1,800 attendees participated in the Meetings Program, leading to 55,000 meeting requests. The platform’s algorithm found 30,000 mutual matches, resulting in 17,000 prescheduled 1:1 meetings, with a 98% satisfaction rate reported by attendees. For 2024, we expect the program to more than double in size, increasing profiles, mutual matches, and total meetings scheduled.

Unlocking New Opportunities with Breakthru Meetings

The Breakthru Meetings Program is more than just a buyer-seller marketplace, with new meeting use cases and success stories from previous events being shared with us weekly. From service providers forming strategic partnerships to media professionals exchanging industry insights, and wealth management executives using the platform to explore M&A and recruitment opportunities, the possibilities are endless. One highlight is advisors meeting with other advisors to strengthen their community. Here’s what Michael Kitces, who is highlighted on this year’s agenda, had to say about it:

“Also unique at Future Proof are their “Breakthru” meetups, where advisors in advance of the conference can provide an indication of the kinds of other advisors they’d like to meet while they’re there, and have the opportunity to ‘match’ with others who are looking for someone similar, into what are then pre-arranged meetings at a series of meetup tables for a 15-minute connection (all facilitated by an app designed by the conference organizers to make it easier to match and meet). Because all meetings are by mutual agreement (both parties have to say they’re interested in connecting), the meetings themselves are only 15 minutes (relatively low stakes; if it’s not a good connection, just move on quickly), and the meetings are 1:1 (not overwhelming for the introverts who don’t like big social crowds), advisors who attended have been incredibly upbeat that they were able to make better connections with peers at Future Proof than the ‘traditional’ approach of just talking to people during meals and in the hallways, hoping to meet someone with whom they could connect”

How Do I Enroll in the Breakthru Meetings Program?

You must register for Future Proof Festival and have your profile completed before the August 16 deadline.

Once you’re enrolled in the program, the process is simple. Here’s how it works:

  1. Mark your meeting availability.
  2. Request meetings, then opt-in to requests from others.
  3. Our algorithm schedules your meetings based on mutual interest and availability.

It’s all automated and super easy. Just accept your scheduled meetings and show up in the dedicated Breakthru Meetings area for your scheduled time.

Stay tuned for more Future Proof Festival updates.

Matt Middleton
Future Proof

PS – Have any questions? Email us at

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