Join the largest Meetings Program in Investment Management

Breakthru is Future Proof’s industry-leading one-to-one meetings program that will facilitate more than 25,000+ pre-scheduled onsite 15-minute introductory meetings. Breakthru is the best way to meet everyone you want to meet at Future Proof Citywide!

You must register by the February 19 deadline to participate in the Breakthru Networking Program.


Breakthru meetings are a breakthrough. . . The pre-vetting and matching effect of the app increased the likelihood of good conversations.


Future Proof set the industry event bar HIGH last year. But their introduction of Breakthru meetings takes the cake. . . EVERY industry event needs this!

Joining the Breakthru Meetings Program

All Future Proof attendees who registered by the deadline, can participate in Breakthru to make meaningful connections with decision makers and allocators, forge valuable partnerships, maximize ROI and meet their business objectives.

Each attendee can join up to 24 Breakthru meetings, limited only by availability and mutual interest. All meetings are double opt-in (both people agree to meet each other) and held at tables in an acre of dedicated meeting space at the north end of the boardwalk.

You must register by the February 19 deadline to participate in the Breakthru Networking Program.

Breakthru Meetings

Pre-Event Process:

Complete Your Profile

Register by the February 19 deadline and complete your profile letting participants know about you, your organization, & your goals.

Request Meetings & Opt in

Review profiles & request meetings with everyone you want to meet. Afterwards, we’ll share all meeting requests, & you can opt-in to the meeting requests you receive.

Accept Meetings & calendar Invites

Review and accept your meetings, we’ll automatically schedule them and send you calendar invites. Remember, all meetings are double opt-in, so you'll only meet people with mutual interest.


Attend the Hosted Meetings at the Futre Proof Citywide.

How It Works

The entire process of scheduling Breakthru Meetings is automated using our technology platform. You complete a short profile, mark your availability, request meetings, and opt in to meeting requests. Our algorithm schedules high-quality, double opt-in meetings based on your interest level and availability.

Simply accept your scheduled meetings and attend them at the Future Proof Citywide. It's that easy!

You must register by the February 19 deadline to participate in the Breakthru Networking Program.


Join 2,500+ Financial Professionals Forging the New Investing Frontier


Yes! There is no additional cost for any attendee of Future Proof to participate in any of the 25,000+ Breakthru meetings we will be facilitating at Future Proof Citywide 2025.

You must register by the February 19 deadline to participate in the Breakthru Networking Program.

When you register to attend Future Proof Citywide by the February 19 deadline, you will be asked if you want to get the most out of the event by participating in Breakthru meetings. Simply check the box, and you will be enrolled in the event!

There are three steps to ensure that you can participate in Breakthru meetings: profile completion, meeting selection & opt-in, and meeting acceptance & scheduling. All steps are important, but completing your profile before the deadline is crucial.

All meetings are double-opt-in, meaning both parties must indicate that they would like to meet for the meeting to be scheduled and take place.

Each meeting is 15 minutes long, the perfect amount of time to discover whether or not there is a greater opportunity to work together.

There will be no content sessions during Breakthru meetings. All meetings will take place on Monday and Tuesday in three one-hour sessions.