Unlock Insightful Conversations that matter

Engage in curated interactive roundtables with peer groups to share insights, address issues, and generate actionable takeaways on key industry topics that help drive your business forward. 

Katie Bruner

What an incredible experience it was to attend Future Proof.

Michael Antonelli

Future Proof is a fantastic conference, I already have 7-8 teammates who want to go next year. [Future Proof] has provided me with immense value.

Discover the Power of Breakthru talks

Join these onsite, interactive roundtables where active content engagement meets concurrent networking. Each 40-minute small group discussion takes place in a dedicated space at The Broadmoor during breakfast and lunch on Monday and Tuesday.

How It Works

The entire process of scheduling Breakthru Talks is automated using our technology platform. You complete a short profile, select the topics that interests you, and mark your availability. Our algorithm then schedules you into curated, non-competitive peer groups based on job levels. You simply accept to confirm.

Explore Critical Topics with limitless interaction

Dive into everything from AI in Wealth Management to Future-Proofing your firm. Gain actionable insights and build strong business relationships. Our table facilitators guide, not dominate, the session ensuring balanced and valuable discussions for everyone.


Join 500+ Wealth Management Execs Building the Future of Wealth


Breakthru Talks are roundtable discussions that take place at Future Proof Retreat. They offer a unique opportunity to dive deep into key wealth management topics with 5-8 industry peers. Unlike traditional panel discussions, these are interactive, peer-led sessions aimed at generating actionable insights.

Unlike standard content sessions, Breakthru Talks are more intimate and interactive. You’re not just listening to a speaker; you’re actively discussing topics with other industry professionals. It’s a chance to both learn and share your own insights, making it a two-way street of valuable information.

To join Breakthru Talks, you’ll need to opt-in during the pre-event process. You can select the talks that interest you and indicate your willingness to participate. Seats are limited, so early registration is advised.

Breakthru Talks are primarily aimed at Hosted Financial Advisors and Limited Partners attending Future Proof Retreat. To know if you qualify, check the event guidelines or registration details.

Topics for Breakthru Talks are carefully selected to focus on the most pressing issues in the wealth management industry. From asset management strategies to fintech solutions, there’s a wide range of subjects to choose from.

If you’re looking to deepen your knowledge, network with peers, and walk away with actionable insights, then Breakthru Talks are a must-attend. They offer a unique setting to tackle challenges and opportunities in wealth management, guided by the collective wisdom of the participants.